Tutorial Blog Post - Odoo Modified Search

Step-by-Step Guide to Using the Modified Search View Feature in Odoo 17

Odoo 17 introduces the Modified Search View feature, designed to enhance your search capabilities within the platform. This feature provides a more intuitive and efficient way to locate and manage your data, improving your overall user experience. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you make the most of this feature.

Step 1: Access the Search View

 1. Log in to Odoo 17: Open your web browser and log in to your Odoo 17 account with your credentials.

2. Navigate to the Desired Module: Once logged in, select the module where you want to perform a search (e.g. Sales, Inventory, Projects).

Step 2: Use the Search Bar

 1. Locate the Search Bar: At the top of the module screen, you will find the search bar.

2. Enter Search Criteria: Type in the keywords or criteria you are looking for. The Modified Search View feature will start suggesting results as you type, making it easier to find what you need.

 Step 3: Apply Filters

 1. Click on Filters: Next to the search bar, you will see the 'Filters' option. Click on it to access predefined filters or create custom ones.

2. Select Predefined Filters: Choose from a list of predefined filters that match common search criteria within the module.

3. Create Custom Filters: For more specific searches, create custom filters by selecting the criteria that best suit your needs. The Modified Search View allows for multi-layered filters, enabling highly granular searches.


Step 4: Use Group By and Sorting Options

 1. Group By: To organise your search results, use the 'Group By' option. This allows you to group results based on specific fields such as customer, status, or date.

2. Sort Results: Click on the column headers to sort your results in ascending or descending order. This helps you quickly identify the most relevant information.


Step 5: Save Search Views

 1. Save Custom Searches: If you frequently perform the same search, save your custom search views for quick access in the future. Click on the 'Save Current Search' button and give your search a name.

2. Access Saved Searches: Access your saved searches from the search bar dropdown menu, ensuring you can quickly retrieve important data without reapplying filters and criteria each time.


Additional Tips

 - Use Advanced Search Operators: Take advantage of advanced search operators like AND, OR, and NOT to refine your searches further.

- Utilise Dynamic Date Filters: Use dynamic date filters such as "Today," "This Week," or "Last Month" to quickly access relevant time-based data.

- Leverage Favourites: Mark frequently used searches as favourites for even quicker access, ensuring you can jump to critical information instantly.


 The Modified Search View feature in Odoo 17 significantly enhances your ability to locate and manage data within the platform. By following these simple steps, you can leverage this feature to perform more efficient and accurate searches, saving time and improving your productivity. Whether you're new to Odoo or a seasoned user, this feature offers substantial improvements to your data management processes.

Upgrade to Odoo 17 today and take full advantage of the Modified Search View to streamline your operations and boost your efficiency. Happy searching!

 Feel free to share your experiences or ask any questions about this feature in the comments below. We'd love to hear how you're using Odoo 17 to optimise your business operations!

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